The Newsletter - Meet Deadlines

Hey, I run a bi-weekly newsletter on how to be a Project Manager and many related topics. To run a project and being a Project Manager doesn’t mean having and applying knowledge only about planning, risks, and budget, you name it. Nowadays, a Project Manager has to be empathetic, be able to facilitate meeting, thrive the project team, build strong relationships with customers and stakeholders, being a good orator. So, the newsletter will cover topics, not only project-related stuff :).

I don’t want to bore you, so every Friday in your mailbox will be delivered a new story written by myself. Click to Subscribe or fill in your email in the form below.

If you prefer to get noticed about the latest issue without leaving your email, you can subscribe to the telegram channel - Meet Deadlines.

And it’s in Russian. I have a plan to run an English version of it, but for today it’s only my dream.