Remote working sunsetting for corps

Another story about remoters

The author tells, using the example of the US market, why remote work is bad:

  • remote employees are the first to be laid off
  • companies need to see the effectiveness of people working remotely effectively. And remote workers cannot provide evidence that they are effective 🙂

When there was Covid, I was remote for 3 months (until it was impossible to go to the office at all). As soon as the company allowed me, I returned because communication with the team, informal relations, the opportunity to solve the problem here and now with the team, and not arranging a rally for this was essential to me

All this could be achieved remotely but less effectively. Problems would be solved, but more slowly.

At the same time, according to the article, they refer to large companies - the well-known Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple. But you should not forget that these companies (except for Google) have a rigid hierarchy, where the word of the head is more important than the words of the employee. Therefore, if the manager is uncomfortable working with remote employees (and this is 60% of cases), then he will be heard by the company 🙂

The problem is typical for those who care about people’s control and do not work and results in the first place.

If you look at companies like GitLab, and 37Signals, they are designed for remote work, including their structure. Managers do not have such power because there is no hierarchy.


  • in most cases, the remote control will switch to a hybrid mode or close altogether
  • if you are not confident in your abilities - better go to the office - you are more likely to be noticed
  • if you want to work remotely - choose companies that carry the culture of remote work

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