Stanislav Belyaev
Empowering Teams, Advancing Engineering
- AI makes us dumb [RU]
- 1700 lines of code or AI Developer Experience [RU]
- Progress on Project Manager Occupation Survey [RU]
- 🗞️ Social proof in Management [RU]
- Big Project Manager Profession Survey 2024 [RU]
- Some advice to myself 5 years back, before I decided to relocate [RU]
- Answer to these question before relocation [RU]
- Side projects I'm running [RU]
- 🗞️ What Research on Happiness and Motivation Can Tell Us About Finding Meaning in Our Work [RU]
- Is a family your project?
- Junior PM fails [RU]
- 🗞️ Assessments I. BigTech Promotions
- My Journey from Kazakhstan to Estonia over Russia [RU]
- Planning mastering is distributed [RU]
- Personal statistics and productivity [RU]
- 🗞️ Day planning and schedule mastering [RU]
- Being lucky gives you more chances to get promoted [RU]
- Being lucky gives you more chances to get promoted
- 🗞️ Consulting and outsource. Myths about Project Manager [RU]
- Deadlines [RU]
- ERP systems: how they save companies from bureaucracy [RU]
- The manager should be smarter than the team member. No. [RU]
- Разработка продукта по канонам проекта
- 🗞️ Менеджер в BigTech
- Culture of the nation forms Managers' decision daily [RU]
- 3 Managers' meetups I organized this year!
- NDD23: Talk of CEO and CTO on Cloud Apps Adoption
- 🗞️ План встречи 1:1 для менеджера
- 🗞️ Диалоги Менеджера проектов с AI
- Remote working sunsetting for corps
- Guessing [RU]
- Success Factors for Projects (english ver)
- Success Factors for Projects (rus)
- Decisions made today are laid down in childhood
- Holacracy at the service of a team
- Team or workgroup - what do you need in a project?
- Corporate culture dissolves through a hierarchy
- AI and Project management
- The effect of a missing bar
- Comments on Amazon's article about microservices
- Power of Authority
- You can't manage what you can't measure